The title "Coffee with the master" came to me from the behavior to drink coffee doing a private session with people, it happened in a cafe most of the times. It was my friends or students who needed the guidance or support in own life journey at a certain period of time. We talked and drunk coffee or tea and we shifted the energy, I talked how it works and what is a consciousness, about the importance of choice and compassion. If you feel to take the private session with me, please push the button below to contact.

with love, Lena J

If you have questions and you are looking for answers, you can find them within yourself. Everything else that you see, hear, observe is just information. There has always been and will be a lot of it, some of this sometimes feels like garbage, and some of this like gold. The filter is inside the human being, only you from yourself know what is true for you and what is not. All the wisdom of the soul is within. Trusting your feelings is the key to your own peace and balance. It is how you perceive and how you relate. How do you live. This is resonance. To be able to listen to your own voice, living among other people with different views and being in harmony with yourself, this is the mastery of life. A private session "Coffee with a Master" invites you to feel your own balance, helps to shift your focus to the inner world, and talks about energy management if you choose. A private session is available as a 1X1 live meeting or online.

Private sessions

Can you allow yourself to just receive? This question was asked to me over and over again when I began to discover my own energy, my own light. Taking and receiving are at the heart of abundance as it is, as well as giving or gifting. Giving in abundance - almost everyone knows what it is, the feeling of enrichment from the fact that there is a lot of it and there is an opportunity and desire to share. Acceptance is a natural part of abundance as well, it is self-giving, fulfillment. The human part experiences difficulty in receiving when ithe considers itself unworthy of this gift. And then it cannot accept what literally comes to the door or lies right under the nose, the human being doesn’t feel that it can receive a lot, more than it already has, in abundance. In practical application, this applies to everything, love, relationships, money, gratitude, compliments, health.... In other words, any manifestation of your own energy. Because energy wants to serve you, no matter where you are, in what position, with what worldviews and in what systems of your inner beliefs. Consciousness attracts to you all the energy that you need in this particular period. And although the person constantly wants more, you as a consciousness get what you can accept. Energy works very literally in physical life and responds exactly to the consciousness that attracts it. Private sessions are available to anyone who has chosen to change and would like to move on.
Freedom to be yourself
A person treats others the way he treats himself. If he is used to being in control with himself, control will be in his every action, thoughts and steps in relation to others. If a human being lives in freedom, it gives this level of freedom to all people around. And if this person realizes that there are no degrees of freedom, it will develop and evolve constantly, like self-love. These things, freedom and self-love, go hand in hand. And at some turns of its own evolution it becomes One. Breathing in his consciousness more and more, the human being begins to learn, or rather to remember, that freedom is a feeling. And this feeling comes from within, coming as a memory of who you really are, a being who came to Earth to find out what it's like to Be Human. Once you have experienced your freedom, it is absolutely impossible to return to the old place of "unfreedom", it is painful and very uncomfortable. So there is no turning back if the choice was made in favor of feeling like a being whose freedom is an integral part of existence, it is a right and it is also a choice. I must say that very few are actually ready for their freedom. People talk about it, think about it, dream about it.... And yet Freedom can be realized and allowed. And accepted as your part. “Open Potentials” offers Private Sessions, as well as a Course Of Self-Love to everyone who would like to energetically activate their own "freedom" button.
Opening potentials
Billions of possibilities or potentials are available to human. Very often those that lie on the surface, which have the greatest gravity for a person, are available. And that very new one, because of its lightness, simply slips away and returns back without being used into neutral energy. With each new generation, more fresh choices can be seen on the planet. New generations refuse to bear any of the old patterns of responsibility for other people's choices that have been adopted in families, schools and other social institutions. They choose the potentials of freedom, sovereignty, joy, creativity and expression that make their being sing, dance, fly and express themselves. They choose new potentials and sometimes not even traveled roads, inspiration and live their own consciousness. This creates new directions and leaves an energy trail for those who follow this path later. For them the passion to live and the passion to bring something new are one and the same. “Open Potentials” invites those who are interested to feel and also discover their fresh destinations. Private sessions is available.
New Energy Communication
It’s the flow as it should be. Energy says it's time to move on when there is a feeling that something is stuck and the flow becomes thick, and sometimes sticky, heavy. The new energy moves quickly and everything happens incredibly easily, with tremendous precision. The synchronicity of events is amazing, they line up in accordance with you. You seem to be floating above the ground, rather than walking on it. The inspiration flows and everyone around you feels it, everything goes like magic. No struggle, no thinking, no doing. There is a current, you just follow it, you follow the energy, sometimes it feels and goes like surfing. You can notice more about that in private session 1X1.
Energy massage
This thing that I call old energy is not about age or preference. It is about what has already stopped working for you and what needs to be let go and release. A human as a being often has this pattern, which accumulates emotions and mental energy and deposits it in the body. Such a thing is felt as a heaviness or when a person sees that he cannot move on, that he seems to be stuck at one point, sometimes even in old physical circumstances. Letting go of old patterns is simple and easy as if by magic, let in a new fresh stream and start moving on with inspiration, joy and desire to live, learn how to consciously do your energy management - this is what I offer in all private sessions.
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