All possibilities are in your energy. It activates by conscious choice, wich comes from the passion of the Soul. The discovery of that field of potentials is a natural process. Here you could find an inspiration to be able observe and choose your own wonderful potentials to experience life as you would like.
The Taste of Energy, lectureWith the word “energy”people often think about sunlight, warmth or about something mystical or fantastic, magical, sometimes about something that is inaccessible and incomprehensible. In fact, this is a very practical thing. Energy is not only cold or heat, not only love, not only money, etc. Solid objects such as a table, a stone, a house are all energy. And also food, joy, inspiration, anger, depression, the physical body, touch, thoughts in the head, etc. This thing, which is called energy, has color, smell, fragrance, vibration, and many more different properties. So a person can choose in what energy he wants to be, how to choose which dress or suit to wear today. But what if the energy in which he is at a certain moment is not comfortable for him? Can a person change this? And the answer will be "Yes, it can". You can create your reality by choice. “Open Potentials” talks about what energy is, how to attract it and how it works. You can contact us for more information. |
The New Energy Communication, seminar by Lena Jey This seminar is dedicated to conscious interaction with energy, or rather, the introduction of new fresh energy into your life, into your body, into your relationships, into work and creativity, the discovery of this source within yourself. Here we will feel and integrate these energies and talk about how the new energy differs from the old and how it works. The new energy moves quickly and easily, silently and often unnoticed by the physical body. There is a huge amount of synchronicity here, you can feel joy and inspiration, wonder, desire to create and explore. For more details contact with us on email. |
New Earth, free lecture New Earth and New Earths. The thing we're talking about is frequency or vibration. It flows through physical, it looks like a physical one, but it's still a completely different frequency. Initially the New Earth began to separate from the so-called Old Earth only vibrationally, when the consciousness of the certain groups of people became too different from the mass 3D world. The vibration gradually grew and gained its weight. And in the end, the New Earth separated from the Old one, it became available to any soul on the planet when it turns its frequencies towards awareness. And yet, a long stay on the New Earth was quite difficult physically, and it was even more difficult to maintain this vibration or speed. The Old Earth and the New Earth could not connect and rather the separation became even more noticeable. This is the division of consciousness that takes place in these transitional decades and it begins for each person within himself at the right time for own self, when this human being decides to wake up. All strong beliefs, old patterns and habitual behaviors don’t t show up in elevated operational systems, they don’t work on New Earth. And now it’s possible to experience life physically being on the New Earths and yet not die or leave the own physical body. All this happens through conscious choice. The energies support. I say "Earths" because there are many, many new versions of the Earth. This isn’t reflecting for ordinary eyes. For those who need confirmation, if you look at the earth through special lenses, you can see the radiance and special light around the planet, which wasn’t visible, I could say 50 years ago. This will be the vibrational frequency that becomes visible visually at a time when the New Earth is gaining mass, or if you like, popularity, through choice and awareness. You can contact us for more information about New Earth. |
Potentials, the Conscious Journey That feeling when you know that something more is available than you have right now.... This is the feeling of your own possibilities, not yet discovered and not used. How to attract such a life potential that you always wanted to experience? And how to stop creating your reality with the help of probabilities and to start actually living and feeling .... The Conscious Journey "Potentials" helps you remember and try other choices. Come play with Lena Jey in the "Open Potentials" space. |