Magic occurs every day. There are an interesting situations and flows, all that beauty called Life! To be as a conscious being on earth in a transformational time is a multidimensional experience filled with joy, abundance, ease and grace. And to be a shining light of all that I am. Meow!

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Joyful letting go
It seems that "letting go" has become almost a job for me in recent years. I have become a "master of easy letting go”. Sometimes it's simply to release what no longer serves me. And sometimes, it's to refresh my energy. After all, I know it returns if I choose to play with it.
I will tell a little story about my recent letting go that happened in my physical life. Since September of last year I had been teaching at a dance school, which I wrote about in the previous article. Later in December I began to feel strong pushing or an impulse within me that it was time to leave. My rational mind didn’t understand what was happening. I was teaching in the group of teenagers, and I enjoyed dancing with them most of the time. We were even able to perform with them.
January arrived, the time after the New Year. I decided not to rush in December, I knew I needed to let all the dust and emotions settle. During this period, my soul started to show me “pictures of awareness” about why I needed to leave. It was drop by drop until my rational mind gave in. I began to see the discomforts I hadn’t noticed since the first days of working at the studio — the unbalanced energy of giving and receiving, the attitude towards the development and support of new groups, and so on. It was a whole set that unfolded from month to month. I simply let my light shine as I know how and as I enjoy.
You know, when I look at the sun in ordinary human life, at a sunset for example, I see nothing but the sun. It’s true. It catches my attention and fascinates me. The same goes for my light: when I shine, I notice nothing around me except that light. I don’t think it’s bad. I also don’t think it’s good. I don’t believe I am less or more aware. I am who I am.
By mid-January I clearly understood it was time. I informed the management at the studio, and I decided to tell my students on the last day, so they wouldn’t leave or get upset too early about having a substitute teacher. Those two weeks were a bit emotionally distant in every sense. And just yesterday, on my last day there, everything changed suddenly. At the end of the class, I told my students that I was leaving. They were a bit upset, and I also felt that they were letting me go. The studio leaders also had a heartfelt conversation with me; we hugged, and I left feeling satisfied. I could feel that everything was in its place, that it was meant to be. It was as if all these people knew it was time for me to go. You see? On a soul level, on a consciousness level, all people feel, even if not everyone chooses to acknowledge it. I felt relieved and at peace with the situation. I knew I had done my “job” there, well and one hundred percent. And I knew it was time for me to move on. Of course, I want to continue teaching, with new energetic settings and new choices. I let go in order to find again.
Letting go easily is a skill. I trained for a long time to reach this level of ease regarding people, things, and places. Nothing is eternal. And! Nothing is more important than myself and my truth. You know when to leave. After all, energy always shows when it’s time. It also clearly indicates when it’s better to stay. To distinguish between these two things clearly is also a skill. That’s how one becomes a master.
Have a great day, dear friends!

Lena Jey 🔆
Magic of living energy
It was truly amazing to perform on a live stage in front of real people. Four days ago I did just that — a small performance at a pre-New Year event. It took place in the dance studio where I teach hip-hop dance and funk styles. A group of teenagers from my class showcased our dance choreography. I had prepared them for over a month for this event. It was a small concert where groups with different contemporary styles demonstrated their skills. My group was the youngest, with just four months of classes starting from scratch.
After the group performances, there was a kids’ battle between hip-hop dance and break dance. It felt more like a dance jam, and I noticed that the children enjoyed it. Suddenly, I was asked to join the judges with other choreographers. I simply agreed, and it was fun. Before the finale I danced my choreography, as did the other teachers, for expression and to show style and skills, there is the tradition of any dance live events like that. I should mention that the last time I performed live was ten years ago, meaning in front of a live audience. After that, there were many choreographing work with dance groups, a lot of dance teaching and video projects.
Nothing can compare to performing in front of a live audience. The living energy. You know, I started dancing at six years old and immediately began performing on big stages at that age. Now, at 43, I stood there as if I were six again, without batting an eye. Everything felt so natural to me, as if there hadn’t been any time gap between live performances on stage. Mastery cannot be forgotten, it’s like riding a bike: once you learn, that skill stays with you for a whole life.
At the end of event several people approached me to express their appreciation and pleasure from my participation in that. And here too I listened to myself attentively. From the very beginning I felt somewhat indifferent to what people would say or whether anyone would like it or not. I knew and felt that my dance was at a very good level. In another case, I would have never agreed to go on stage. Doing it well or not doing at all — that’s what I told my young students throughout the month of preparation. And we were all satisfied with our work.
I was driving home after all this, and a smile radiated from my heart center. I danced in my body of consciousness, in my light body. This is what I remained here for, being human.
A few years ago, there was a period in my earthly story when I spent a couple of years lying in bed. I transformed my energy to bring in the light body. It was a painful period, both physically and psychologically. My entire bodily system was changing, from my bones to my brain. And the sensitivity was off the charts. There were times when I even couldn’t hold my head up, just like a newborn babies can’t hold their heads for some time after birth. It was then that I first experienced death, my rebirth, and that process took a long time to return to my body. This was accompanied by deep cleansing and the infusion of my consciousness inward. I dreamed of dancing again, even though I couldn’t walk at that time. I lost a lot of weight, breathed consciously and moved little. But after a few months I started stretching. I was constantly creating dances in my head, and over time I began to practice a bit. I clearly knew that someday after this period I would dance again, and it would be a completely different body, full of light. My soul clearly told me that this is what we would do together. And here I am, finding myself dancing on stage like a child.
Recently I spoke with my close friend, who just turned 25. I told her that this is my favorite age because I feel that when I was 25, time stopped. At least, that’s how I felt later, as if internally, I am still 25 years old with each passing year of my life.
Living in timelessness, as magicians do, is quite ordinary. A magician knows that the soul is eternal, energy comes because of consciousness, and time works for you if you so choose.
Dear readers and friends, I wish you all to activate your magic! May this year be outstanding in every sense! Happy New 2025 Year! And see you around!

~ Lena Jey, the magical being 🔆
In a dream
I want to tell about one dream I saw in sleep state. It was a space that was an energy-reminding place where art presents, something like architectural objects. I remember the colors, a little muted and matte shades, creamy with a smoky red color. Quite clear open space where you can walk and enjoy beauty. I met there with a woman I know long time ago, and now we have no physical contact for years. She's a healer and energy teacher, once I came to her to know about me and how to live. It was energy sessions, energy work. And I stayed after everything was done, we became friends, we had a connection. I studied how to use pure energy to help my body and bodies of other people. And then I practiced it. Eventually, the whole thing was about balance. Then she left Russia to France, she had a new family there, she continued her mission, and our contact gradually dissolved. Sometimes I saw her in sleep state, she appeared when I was difficult, sometimes she showed something that was happening in her life, we often laughed and did something together. And now in this last dream I knew clearly that she and I had been in agreement to meet in our etheric bodies. You know, it was a planned meeting. I felt that no one was helping anyone, there was no need for that. It was a very balanced meeting, I would even say, very mature and conscious. Each of us was so happy to see each other. We embraced and just went for a walk, enjoying this beautiful space together like old friends. At some point she told me, “I see you're doing well there....” In response I just smiled, we laughed warmly and went on. Then I jumped into another space where I had the next dreaming.
I often see all dreams like these in the morning when something wakes me up, I wake up and stay awake for sometime in bed, after which I fall asleep again. I'm meeting people, which I know in this life or with whom I keep in contact. In recent years what happens in these realities, conversations or events are felt as real as if it were in the physical world where we are present every day. And every day I see my consciousness doing it with even greater presence. I remember every detail and I aware myself there.
At the very beginning of such experiences I felt devastated, I thought I was not resting when I slept. I woke up and remembered yesterday, the day before yesterday, my dreams and felt that I was awake for a long time, days and even months and I have no space to rest and distract from it. Now I see it like I just wanted to know less and be aware less either, part of me wanted to go back while I was less aware of myself during my sleep. It was comfortable before, mentally and physically. Then after a long long period of suffering and holding on to the old I gave up and allowed myself to experience everything that comes. Suffering gradually dissolved and I learned to rest differently, passed down to another operating system, where less time required to rejuvenate and everything that no longer serves, went much faster. I let myself be in my dream consciously so that I realize it and could bring it into physical life.
So I started using lucid dreams. Those who use it also know that with this you can get answers to any questions, you can allow the situation to be resolved by which is not available in physical reality and the coolest thing, you can create a new, with imagination. There are no rules, frames or restrictions in sleep state. To create something much easier and pleasant. After all, this world and other worlds differ only by density.
In this dream I received some information for myself. Someone can notice that this aspect of me came home, that I feel like the truth also. And there's much more here. I mean, it's a personal and individual information we can touch through our dreams. There are no others who can tell us what it means. This is a whole individual creation. And this is as easy as breathing.

~ Lena Jey 🔆
It’s all about presence
I always had a vision. I could meet a person
or I could look at something and I could see what's behind it. This gift I gave myself in this life and I discovered this when I was a teenager. I learned to see “past and future". I could meet someone after a long time when he had a lot of changes. And I wasn’t surprised, I saw this from the first time we meet, I knew and felt.
I just call it a skill. Or a tool. You can use that also. Everybody can. To see potentials, all at once. Of course, I'm not talking about the infinite field of potentials that takes place. And those that are most likely, that were chosen, which show themselves in energy. This creates a certain energetic landscape. It looks like a canvas where a part of the picture is drawn and another part remains to be written.

This skill gives me the opportunity to see my own perspectives. And I often talk about it with things or objects. I mean the unsouled objects, an electric plate or a book, for example, in a house where I live. Each such object has its own consciousness, in another words, an awareness of itself. And this awareness radiates. It communicates in its language with the help of its frequencies. It radiates its own light, has its vibrational frequency.
All unsouled objects can transform, change or transmute. Just like people. When it comes time to change, all space, including solid objects, start quite loudly "talk".
The same process occurs with our physical body. At moments when the most important and major shifts in our biology occur, the cells of the body are especially active. So for example, the pain we feel is often just a reaction to the light that has not yet been integrated. I call it “a new light” that comes for the first time. Look at the child who is 6 months old trying a new food. It can be a puree from broccoli he never ate before or a pumpkin juice. You can see his face and see if he likes new food or not. It will always be some reaction of the body as the reaction of the animal organism. Like our cell reaction when the pure light enters. And it should take time, come adaptation, so we get used to puree from broccoli or we have become like or categorically do not like pumpkin juice.

I felt strange, getting used to the thought that pure light causes discomfort. It can be physical or/and mental emotional discomfort. Sometimes it’s a complete lack of physical strength when you can’t even raise your arm. And after, when the new light has already been integrated, there comes a tide of new energy, where events happen on their own, gracefully and beautifully, everything moves again and life continues to flow.

These phases change each other as an inhale and exhale in new energy. The integration of the new takes place and the expression of  these updates takes place. Each phase is relevant and important. Darkness is also as important as light. Rain is also important as sunny weather. Look how before the leaves come out, the buds swells and there is a huge amount of tension and charged energy inside. A little rain and the bud bursts, the tension gradually goes away giving way to opening and expansion.

These natural processes are familiar to all people, whether they are aware of it or not, whether they are present or not. Many intuitively use what they have given themselves in this life. It can be any skill or habit of doing something for yourself. And only awareness allows you to make it visible to see who you really are and that you are here on Earth actually doing. Light allows you to bring this to the surface and it also creates tension and irritation in old forms. When it is time for the old forms to transform, they also begin the  scream loudly, suffer and get sick. These are the properties of everything old. If you recognise yourself somewhere or your situation, while reading this text, please remember about natural processes. Breathe and give it flow.

~ Lena Jey
Ah, sensuality... What can I say….
A human longs to feel. He longs for it with all his passion, nothing can stop him on the way to feel more, to start feeling again. And at the same time, he is afraid to start feeling everything, he is afraid that it will overwhelm him and tear him apart, that he will lose himself, that his identity will dissolve, that he will no longer be himself when he begins to feel again. And the human part is building walls around itself, blocking out feelings and focusing on what it is already used to dealing with, with its fenced familiar reality.
And yet he wants to be in this human experience…. To open up! To know again what it feels like when the walls start to dissolve and when you feel again, alive and real again. And in this game you put other people there, yes, other beings in the human body like you, who at the right time begin to interact with you, who have agreed to be part of your reality. They're like a mirror showing you what it's like, opening doors and sometimes putting on a show for you. Your soul, your consciousness puts these other people on the playground for you so that you can begin to feel again….. feeling life, feeling yourself, feeling your game and enjoying this nectar of your creation, drinking this wisdom. That you don’t dissolve anywhere and you don’t get lost. You always remain yourself, before, after and during the game. You just become more feeling, more loving, more aware. You get experience and you expand again and again. And that's all there is. This is the whole meaning without meaning, only experience, only you are inside yourself. Priceless!

~ Lena Jey feat. Tobias
Releasing Ego
It's like a blank slate when you let go of the ego. All the belief systems that a person has and that hold the human memory of how things should happen and how everything should be, all this just dissolves.... The moment a person is ready to let go of judgments, they go away. When judgments go away, duality goes away. There is no more right or wrong, good or bad, black or white.... There is only how energy serves you at the moment and acceptance of everything as it manifests itself in life. And then there is just a choice of how you want to live on. To realize and allow the energy to manifest and rebuild according to this choice. And it takes some time. It's easy to say and difficult to accept. Because allowing and accepting are the most difficult things for a human being who wants to search, run and do. And this is so natural for the old model of human being, where the reaction comes first. With the expansion and allowing of own consciousness the reaction gradually goes away and is replaced by a conscious choice, where a person first chooses, and then looks at how events line up. For example, if the choice was made to live lightness, beauty, inspiration and flow, it will all manifest as lightness, beauty, inspiration and flow. And can you accept it without questions? Without cause and effect, without judgment, how should it be manifested in your human opinion? Can you accept how energy serves you without resistance or judgment? This is the easiest way I know how to let the energy serve you. And yes, you will have to face the opinions and judgments of other people, which are also very correct for themselves. Because everyone creates their own reality according to their own scenario, as they want to get the maximum experience. And when you're a blank slate, you just let everything be. You let go of the ego and just live.... And you let other people go, in the end it's all just you and others who agreed to play with you the same way you agreed to play with them.... The wisdom gained from this is priceless!

~ Lena J
The illusion of control
This incredible realization came these days. I saw one moment that much often kept me in a state of tension. With all awareness I had this moment of unclarity taken place. When people started telling me what to do, my whole being felt it inside me as a control. I did it by myself in the past and once realizing this fact I simply stopped, I began to allow people to do and to say what they want from themselves, without interfering with their personal freedom or expression. But this experience still continued to play out in my world through other people and it was felt as inconvenience, lack of freedom and a discomfort in the body, some constraint…. I realized that all of this is no longer mine and the other person is dealing with me as with himself.... I chose the path of freedom and this is a completely different path. And yet there was this aftertaste, all this time I let go and let go, acknowledging that it still provoked a reaction. And the other day I saw, in a conversation with another person as my reflection that this thing (control) occurs as a strong protection, a person tries to set a boundary in this way, especially when he feels deep fear and at the same time is not aware of it .... And it also arises as a reaction to something completely new, which usually causes fear and a person tries to protect himself by telling others what to do, structuring them in certain frames and limiting free choice, directing and controlling by that.... And all this happens in the lack of consciousness at this point, not having the light in that place…. It was such a release when I saw the core of this illusory "control".

~ Lena Jey

What it's like to deal with your own "dark”. Almost everyone knows and can identify "light", something that shines brightly, acts and wants to share sometimes no matter what. And I also always knew that light is an active energy. It wants to create, to emerge and to manifest. That is, to live in other words. During integration, I saw more and more some other energy flowing and it wants nothing but to let it flow through my body. Over the years of this, I got used to a certain dynamics with it, I allowed my "dark" to integrate and just be, I continued to feel it again and again. It became a habit of dealing with my own "darkness” on every day basis. I knew when to surrender and just let it be without resistance. And after that, I usually have a period of activity in the physical body. And today I suddenly realized this "supporting" function of my own to the fullest to myself. It always holds me back when it's not time to me, always doesn't let me go where I don't have to be, it supports and loves me like light, like any other energy. Darkness is a place where there has never been light yet. And here there is a big difference between darkness as energy and darkness as a terrible place, as a person usually perceives. Here is this difference between distorted light (what they used to call "dark") and what darkness really is. A human loves his light and is afraid to deal with his darkness, linking it to evil, fear and all sorts of not very pleasant things. And in fact, darkness is a very neutral energy, not activated by light, it is a field of potentials, a place where things are created, it's a blank sheet, a dark clean sheet, it's a whole cosmos.

With love for myself and my creative darkness

~ Lena Jey

The Squirrel

The squirrel was spinning the wheel. In fact, she lived in a wheel, slept in a wheel, ate in a wheel, worried and dreamed in a wheel. The squirrel saw the world through the glass of this wheel. And all that she knew the wheel needs to turn. Days, months and years passed. The squirrel continued life in the wheel. She knew only one thing: the wheel needs to be turned every day, if you stop doing it, life will stop and she will die. And then that's it, the end. The squirrel thought that her life meant to spin the wheel, and there were probably other squirrels somewhere like her, which from morning till night did everything to keep the wheel moving. The job of spinning a wheel was the only thing that had a squirrel in her life. When night fell and a tired squirrel from a heavy routine began to fall asleep, somewhere between sleep and physical reality the squirrel could finally rest, relax her tired legs, let go of obsessive thoughts that circled in her head like a wheel that she was spinning. In this borderline state, the squirrel could finally breathe freely, deeply, into very core of her small body, and at that moment she could dream. Squirrel dreamed that one day she would be able to leave this wheel, she would no longer have to spin it, she would be able to run, jump, frolic, sing, dance and possibly meet other squirrels or some other beings whom it would be interesting to meet and recognize about their lives. With these dreams, the squirrel fell into sleep every night. And in the morning she found herself all in the same wheel.

So passed day after day. But once the wheel that stood on the table fell to the floor. Who knows why it happened, either from the wind, which suddenly burst intensively through an open window, or from the hard work of the squirrel ... It was no longer important. The glass cracked and the squirrel, not believing its eyes, naturally instinctively jumped out. She felt freedom and fear. And also curiosity. It was scary, because the squirrel saw nothing but the wheel in her life, and here she was free, without protection, without restrictions, and all these new smells and objects around ... The squirrel stood in confusion for exactly a minute. But curiosity triumphed. She cautiously moved and jumped to the exit of this strange room.

Outside and beyond she discovered that the world wasn’t at all what she had imagined. It seemed to her incredible, beautiful, huge and full of all sorts of different things and creatures. The squirrel has never experienced such delight. Over time, she learned to get food for herself, learned to communicate with various kinds of beings, and even met other squirrels. They didn’t even know what a wheel is and how could live there. Instead, other squirrels lived freely in nature, climbed trees, stocked nuts and other goodies for the winter, gathered together, frolic, jumped whenever and wherever they wanted, lived a full life of free squirrels. Squirrel was more than ever happy and content with her new life. Sometimes she remembered the wheel, because it was part of herself. But then she looked at her new free life and past memories quickly disappeared like morning fog before sunrise. And then the squirrel plunged headlong into its new day. Now, all that the squirrel knew about life, it was joy and a free existence.

The end.

~ Lena Jey, 2020

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